2000/- years ago, foreigner's used to call India "Heaven" - 3 Jackass



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Sunday, 30 July 2017

2000/- years ago, foreigner's used to call India "Heaven"

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Chinese used to call India as “Tianzhu”, meaning heaven.
Japanese referred to India as "Tenjiku" which also means Heaven!!
And In Korea, Tianzhu was pronounced as Cheonchuk. It is used in Wang ocheonchukguk jeon, meaning An account of travel to the five Indian kingdom, a travelogue by the 8th century Buddhist monk Hyecho from the Korean Kingdom of Silla.
Tianzhu is the historical East Asian name for India. Originally pronounced as Hin-duk in Old Chinese, it comes from the Chinese transliteration of the Persian Hindu, which is itself derived from the Sanskrit Sindhu, the native name of the Indus River. Persians travelling in northwest India named the region after the river around the 6th century BC. Tianzhu is just one of several Chinese transliterations of Sindhu.Tianzhu was also referred to as Wutianzhu "Five Indias" because there were five geographical regions in India known to the Chinese: Central, Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern India.


India is a country in South Asia whose name comes from the Indus River. The name `Bharata’ is used as a designation for the country in their constitution referencing the ancient mythological emperor, Bharata, whose story is told, in part, in the Indian epic Mahabharata. According to the writings known as the Puranas (religious/historical texts written down in the 5th century CE) Bharata conquered the whole subcontinent of India and ruled the land in peace and harmony. The land was, therefore, known as Bharatavarsha (the sub-continent of Bharata). Hominid activity in the Indian sub-continent stretches back over 250,000 years and it is, therefore, one of the oldest inhabited regions on the planet. The history of India was uniquely molded through frequent interactions with migrating people, and through a diverse culture, which emerged through India geographically. India history is more than a series of events; it's a reflection of human history that carries with it a story of great people and an amazing culture!
Indus valley civilisation was the first and the most civilised city. It included the known sites of Moheno-Daro, Harappa and Lothal. Not long after these cultures had taken foot, Aryans migrated into India and brought with them their influential ideas and beliefs of the Vedic Age. Hinduism was born during this era, which is why it is often referred to as the world's oldest living religion. People were knowledgeable. Great architecture shows great minds. They didn't believe in unrealistic things (god, goddess) but by the end of IVC there were 33 gods and goddess. So, with time people changed and vedic culture got promotion. But in starting they were very realistic (they use to worship trees, sun,indra, bull, snake etc.)

We were rich in resources and we knew many things. Sewage system was great( ivc is famous for it)( and today we don't have a proper sewage system ) We knew domestication, business knowledge (brick industries, jewellery industries, textile industries etc.) you can say what this world know today is a contribution of IVC (religion, science, trade etc.)
The natives of all other countries on the earth praise this very country, and believe that the philosopher's stone is to be found here. Though this story of the philosopher's stone is a myth, yet it is true that this country (Aryavarta) itself is verily a philosopher's stone whose very touch converts all base metals - poor foreigners - into gold - rich nabobs.
Since the beginning of the world till 5,000 years back, the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the whole earth, in other words, there was only one paramount power whose suzerainty was acknowledged by the rulers of the earth. Till the time of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, all rulers of the earth and their subjects obeyed the law laid down by the rulers of this country, for it is said in the Manu Smriti, that was compose in the beginning of the world.

What a pity that the descendants of these Aryas are being crushed under the wheel of the foreigner and this jewel of country received such a rude shock from the Great War that even today it has not recovered from its effects, for what doubt can there be in the ruin of a country wherein brothers begin to kill each other.

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