Top 5 Best Love Stories That Made You Cry.. - 3 Jackass



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Thursday, 27 July 2017

Top 5 Best Love Stories That Made You Cry..

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1. Love Never Die

He was frustrated. Angry. With himself and with God. His memory was fading faster than the fleeting clouds.

The most depressing part of his early onset dementia was that he could remember the fact the he couldn’t remember things! A cruel irony!
The only thing that kept him alive was his loving wife. The only thing that gave him solace and made him feel good about himself was the fact that he could remember her name.
“Leena! Leena!”, he’d call her whenever he wanted help and she would be by his bedside in a flash. There for him. For anything and everything! People pitied that she hardly had any life of her own, amidst all this caring. But she stuck by him. Gave her all, love and everything.
Sometimes, he’d keep calling “Leena! Leena!” many times during the day even when he didn’t want anything from her. Because that was the only word he’d not forgotten in years. The only sweet melody to his ears.
Expect, Leena was the name of his long-dead first wife!

2. “Once more”

The old woman asked her funny husband to tell her a joke.

The old jolly man was not in a mood, yet he initiated. Because all he wanted was a smile on those old cheeks of his lady. After all hospital treatment already gave her a lot of pain.

Seated in the hospital room, the old man told her a funny joke and she laughed by saying ‘once more’.
The old man was depressed yet, somehow he controlled his emotions and tried to smile. He had his lady’s hand in his hand. Maybe it was giving him some strength.
Within a few seconds, the old lady was unresponsive. Her eyes were closed and her hand wasn’t tight enough like before in her husband’s hand.
The old man understood everything and with a tear in his eyes, he requested, “Once more.”

3  “Stay just for a minute”

Nikhil caught her hand and didn't let go,he pleaded Shanaya to wait just a minute more.
She looked at his old jeans and shoes.she muttered something,Nikhil was getting restless.

shanaya's long beautiful golden curls were dancing over her face.Finally shanaya shouted at nikhil that nothing is going to change in that one minute,she was a materialistic girl,she wanted a lavish villa,luxury cars and a lifestyle for which she wanted to work herself.

Nikhil pleaded that they could do it together,looking at his old shoes and unfit body she retorted she needs some space for herself to work on her dreams.
Nikhil loved her more than anything in the world so he let her go with a heavy tear rolling down his aching heart.Shanaya lived her life to the fullest partying,roaming with family and friends,while poor nikhil did nothing else but toil and struggle beating his craft day and night to become perfect such that no man could beat him.
Shanaya fell in love with a millionaire named aditya who seemed to be well behaved,kind ,caring and a perfect gentleman .He too fell for her beauty and they got married.
After two decades aditya fell in love again while shanaya was all alone(as her family had died) in a hospital ailing and dying.

She cried,a heavy tear rolled down her cheek and she felt someone caught her hand. It was Nikhil,she pleaded him not to let go of her hand and stay just for a minute more.To which he simply replied” I never did”.
(Nikhil had become the country's best oncologist and yes he was also Shanaya's doctor who had been treating her since 6 years free of cost when her husband had left her for the other more beautiful and kind woman.Also shanaya was still unaware that Nikhil had been taking care of her since 6 years and she thought her hubby was paying her bills.
Now you might think that he could have just showed or professed his love 6 years ago when he began treating her for free,the reason he couldn't do it was he didn't want to show it as an approbation on her and he wanted to give her the space she needed and he didn't come in her life till she cried)

4 Best friend and the love

He kept looking at his phone. So did she.
His phone kept ringing. But it wasn't from the person he expected to get a call
He kept trying to call her once in every ten minutes, but every single time , it would ring once before the automated voice would say- the person you're trying to call is busy. Please try again later. He knew that she had blocked him since the last one week.
Finally, he decided to quit. In his note, he wrote - one call is all that I needed to make everything alright again.
She visited the memorial.
She decided to go to his room one last time. Finding the note, with tears back in her eyes, she said- But I kept calling you. Why would you leave me alone for something she did? Only if I had the guts to tell you how much you meant to me.
She lost her best friend and the love of her life on the same day.

5 “One thing which was not lost- Love !”

Age : Mid- twenties.
Both of them were madly in love.
He: our daughter’s name would be Mannat- My wish which god finally fulfilled.
She: our son’s name would be Imaan- he will be like his father fighting the ferocious waves for his country and will make us proud. Our -Maan!
Both smiled , and hugged as he left for his another voyage for his country. Captain- Navy!.com/
6 months passed, a call shatters her world- “Mam, the ship is nowhere to be found, we fear it has sunk” No trace of her man, years pass. She adopts a child and names her Imaan! Her maan! She sees him in her adopted child.
Meanwhile he opens his eyes at some unknown place , not remembering anything and just one word “Mannat”. He tries to remember daily what relates to that word.
Two souls, one heart , divided by destiny still long for each other. Both survived but were not meant to be together. One remembers everything -dies daily. Other fails to remember -dies daily.
One thing which was not lost- Love !
40 years later, their tombs read:
She: your love was enough for me to make me live till the end. Our Imaan!

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