How many of us believe in ghosts? Do they actually exist? Trip To Bhangarh -By 3Jackass - 3 Jackass



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Friday, 11 August 2017

How many of us believe in ghosts? Do they actually exist? Trip To Bhangarh -By 3Jackass

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How many of us believe in ghosts? Do they actually exist? Can they be felt? Believers will reply in affirmative and non-believers will perish the thought. But everybody would like to take a trip to THE den of the ghosts and such was the trip to Bhangarh, considered India's "most haunted" place.


In our childhood we have heard several kinds of blood-curdling ghost stories and these haunted stories still scare us as nightmares. If this is not enough to believe then let us brief you about few best haunted places like Delhi cantt, Dumas Beach in Gujrat and many more in India but Bhangarh is the most HAUNTED place that would definitely give you a real jolt. The architecture of the buildings and the fort speaks volumes of the talent and acumen of the people during the rule of Bhagwant Das who established the town in 1573. There are many myths about the place. It is believed that the entire township was obliterated in a day. But no written evidence has been found till date.
The fort was built by King Madho Singh. The deserted town of Bhangarh is situated on the border of the Sariska Tiger reserve in the Aravallis in Rajasthan.Bhangarh fort has attracted tourists from all over because of the haunted stories. It lies between the cities of Jaipur and Alwar. The best idea is to leave early in the morning and drive so that you are done by sunset. Do not let the bumpy roads deter you. Moreover, you should ideally rent a car that can also take you around
Most people are of the belief that Bhangarh Fort is haunted and there is no dearth of tales that help in amplifying the mystery that is Bhangarh. Venturing into the fort after sunset is nothing short of an act of bravery as it is supposed to be a centre for paranormal activity and the Archaeological Survey of India therefore has prohibited people from visiting the Bhangarh Fort at night.


The first legend claims that a king named Madho Singh raised the Bhangarh fort after obtaining due permission from an ascetic named Bala Nath who lived there; having agreed to a condition which said that the shadow of the fort must never fall upon the home of the ascetic. But as fate would have it, one of the ambitious successors of Madho Singh added to the fortifications vertically, thereby causing its ominous shadow to engulf the abode of the ascetic. Lo and Behold, once it came to pass, the fort was doomed within no time. The alleged prophecy stood fulfilled, and the Bhangarh Fort became haunted.
A second legend behind the Bhangarh Fort haunted, more popular than the first one, claims that Princess Ratnavati of Bhangarh was responsible for the apocalyptic situation which befell the fort. A local black magician fell in love with her (the princess is believed to have been very beautiful) and once tried to bewitch a cosmetic she was supposed to use, to make her fall in love with him. The princess smelled suspicion and foiled the entire conspiracy of the black magician by pouring the bewitched cosmetic over a massive stone boulder, which then supposedly crushed the ‘tantrik’ to death. Before the magician breathed his last, he placed a curse upon the entire landscape that no soul would ever be able to live in peace there. The entire landscape around the Bhangarh Fort has been haunted since.

According to different local tales, no one is allowed to hangout in the scary Bhangarh fort premises once the sun sets. Therefore, tight restrictions have been imposed at bhangarh fort. you have to leave the fort at the given time ( in the evening 6 pm) before dusk. The fort's main entrance is locked and Government has placed a notice board at the main gate which reads that " visiting the fort before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited and if rules are violated legal action would be taken".

There is a rumour that spirits roam in Bhangarh Fort at night. People often hear strange noises ( screaming, crying voice of women, bangles sound in the rooms) and they reported many weird and scarcely credible incidents like some one's talking and a special smell is felt. Such kind of weird incidents are reported in the fort after dusk. People have seen ghostly shadow, strange lights, unusual sound of music and dance coming from the bhangarh fort. It is said that whoever entered in the fort after sunset and stayed there for a night,will not return from the fort next morning
Best to travel in a SUV and always carry a spare tyre as there are stretches where for kilometres there are no petrol pumps or habitations.
Always carry some dry food as good dhabas and eateries are rare.
Carry a torch with you as the fort does not have electricity and even in daytime, a torch will help you to see parts of the fort better.

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