She : Hey idiot! Why didn't you call me yesterday. At least could have attended mine. Do you know how much afraid I was. Are you alright? Is there any problem?
He : what's there to get this much tensed? Am I a kid? It was a just a day without a call. I was busy. :(
She : Do you know how much I missed you?
He : ha ha. No!
She : Why are you so far away from me?
He : ha ha. How many times will you ask this question?
She : Till you come here and stay with me permanently.
He : ha ha. :)
She : why are you laughing? Chalo marry me soon. Will u?
He : ha ha. No way…!!
She : what? Why? But.... Why? (tensed)
He : how many times can I marry you?! You are my wife :p
She : ahaan? Then your wife wants to meet you this second. I feel like hugging you.
He : ha ha. As if you do ;-)
She : Idiot! Be a responsible husband :-D
He : ha ha
She : There is no point in asking you anything. Do what ever you wish! Remember this stupid girl is missing this idiot. You can't even imagine how it is for me here without you! What's the use in explaining all this to you. Someone is knocking at my door. Oh sorry! Call me if you have time amidst your busy schedule :( ( cuts the call with anger and anxiety)
Knock! Knock!
Opens the door!
She ( with her eyes filled with surprise!) : hey you idiot!
He : will you marry me? :p
She : no way :p
He : a hug at least? :p
She : Idiot!.................. :-D (hugs him tightly)
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