Chocolate Milk And Beer Are Both Better For You Than Water After Working Out - 3 Jackass



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Friday, 4 August 2017

Chocolate Milk And Beer Are Both Better For You Than Water After Working Out

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Forget sports drinks, CHOCOLATE MILK is best after a workout: Beverage has 'all the nutrients the body needs to recover.

Scientists have found that the beverage has all the nutrients that your body needs to replenish itself from exercising.


Studies proved that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after working out replenishes the body and builds muscles with its combination of carbs and protein, which water lacks.
This Drink has all the nutrients the body needs to replenish itself post-workout
Protein helps the muscles recover and calories replace those burned
Experts: Milk is as good - if not better - than expensive protein shakes

Milk is the ultimate gym drink...
5 Reasons You Should Drink Milk Post Workout.
Muscle Gains. Research shows a mix of slow and fast digesting protein is superior for lean body mass gains. Milk is 80% casein, 20% whey.
Fat Loss. Dairy calcium increases fat loss. The fat in milk keeps you full longer which decreases hunger and thus helps you to lose fat.
Recovery. Milk is a fluid and has electrolytes. Research shows milk is superior to water and sport drinks for rehydration post workout.
Cheap. When you consider the protein (whey/casein/BCAA) and calorie content of milk, it’s one of the cheapest foods available.
Easy. Milk requires zero preparation. 1 quarter (1 liter) milk can be a perfect post workout meal depending on your daily caloric needs.

Milk Recommendations for Fat Loss:
To lose fat, you need to eat less calories and/or burn more calories. Milk won’t make you fat. Neither will the fat content in fatty milk make you fat. Only excess calories cause fat gains.
Smoothing is possible when introducing milk in your diet (read below). But this isn’t fat gain. No food can make you fat if you have a caloric deficit. Just like any food, including protein, can cause fat gains when you have a caloric excess.

Milk Recommendations for Weight Gain:
To gain weight, you need to have a caloric excess: eat more calories and/or burn less calories. Since burning less calories is hard to do, this means you have to eat more.
Chocolate milk could work too calorie wise. But it could be less effective than whole milk since it has less fat. Chocolate milk also seems to constipate.

However, researchers at Granada University in Spain have discovered that beer can hydrate your body after a workout better than drinks like Gatorade, water and chocolate milk. Having beer after a workout follows the same concept of drinking chocolate milk after a workout; the carbohydrates and protein in beer work together to replenish the body with necessary calories lost during a workout.


Of course, water rehydrates the body after a workout, but the added bonus of carbohydrates and protein helps the body recover better.
There is a caveat to this idea, however: Just as with chocolate milk, you don't want to gulp down several bottles of beer after your workout. Be wise in your consumption (as you always should be).

We usually don't crave beer in the morning, however, so if your workouts occur then, I suggest sticking to chocolate milk and Gatorade. But apparently beer can do your body some good after a workout. Just don't overdo it.

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